A bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits and lends money to people in need. It also offers them primely safekeeping services to the general public. In today’s time with the technological advancement and the encroachment of online operations in the different sectors of an economy.
All the different banks have started offering different smart and fast banking services. Making banking possible anywhere at any time. The prime goal of the banks is now, all about the unique banking experience and creating a goodwill.
Shri Vinayak Sahakari Bank is one of the most renowned banking partners in town. We offer the best in class, quality banking services that are quick, convenient and safe.
We get you various e-banking and smart banking services such as netbanking, mobile banking, E-lobby, EasyPay and many more, all for sure-shot customer satisfaction with high professionality and vested in great public interest.
We also offer highly secure RTGS/NEFT fund transferring services and franking . We have exclusive benefits for the seniors citizens and provide funding in collaboration with the government under different public welfare schemes such as PMSBY/PMJJBY.