We have changed our Sub membership to Rajkot Nagarik Sahakari Bank Ltd. | Our New IFSC Code - UTIB0SVSBL1 | Our New MICR Code 380805001

What We Believe

Go Green Concept - Swachh Bharat

Making the banking transaction easily and to avoid the papers in the transactions instead of papers using through electronic devices.

Ways to make their processes more productive and environment-friendly with the use of technology.

We include Tab Banking, Biometric Banking and Automated Banking for Go Green Concept.

Mainly we using biometric machine for Paperless Banking.

Use your fingerprints and retina for open an account as well as daily transaction.

It shows balance of simplicity and security as well as paperless banking with help of technology.

Digital Banking

The digitization of all the traditional banking activities and programs.

Digital banking encompasses digitizing every program and activity.

It includes our services like Biometric, E-KYC and Easy Pay in digital banking.

Ultimate Future Goal

Environmental friendly with the use of technology.

Customer satisfaction.


Save money using all digital banking services.

Our Services